

Over the past few years, NYC has become one of the leading manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region.

    • Stamping molds

      Stamping molds

      After continuous efforts over the past few years, NYC has become one of the leading manufacturers of mold guides and self-lubricating industries in the Asia Pacific region.

    • Nitrogen gas spring
    • Plastic molds

      After continuous efforts over the past few years, NYC has become one of the leading manufacturers of mold guides and self-lubricating industries in the Asia Pacific region.

      Plastic molds
    • General Machinery

      After continuous efforts over the past few years, NYC has become one of the leading manufacturers of mold guides and self-lubricating industries in the Asia Pacific region.

      General Machinery
    • Wedge


      After continuous efforts over the past few years, NYC has become one of the leading manufacturers of mold guides and self-lubricating industries in the Asia Pacific region.


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